Thursday, 15 March 2018


"The right attitude and one arm will beat the wrong attitude and two arms every time."


Don’t make the mistake of becoming too results oriented.

The danger is that by focusing too hard on results, we neglect the present moment. We forget to enjoy the journey – the many present moments which are all we really have. Years can pass in a flash, and we might ask ourselves, where did it all go?

Plan. Set worthy and inspiring goals. Work hard on achieving them. Let go and enjoy the journey.

Monday, 26 February 2018


Here are 3 more tips to beat stress and support your best health.


Over 90% of what most people worry about on a daily basis include; things that never happen, past things that can’t be changed by worrying, needless health worries, and petty miscellaneous worries. Less than 10% of what most of us worry about are actual legitimate concerns! This means a massive amount of mental energy and focus is being wasted, whilst we stress ourselves out.

“Worrying is like praying for something you don’t want to happen!”

Be aware, so that you spend an appropriate amount of time on planning for legitimate concerns. Avoid the stress and drain on your vitality that needless worrying creates. Remember, Action cures Fear, so take an action step as soon as possible once you have assessed your legitimate concern.


It’s a vicious cycle - Stress leads to a loss of sleep and a loss of sleep leads to an increase in stress. Yet surprisingly sleep is the first thing we give up when we feel stressed, often forfeited in favour of late night TV, mindless surfing, and other such “distractions”.

The solution: practice good sleep hygiene. Going to sleep and waking at the same time each day (or at most +/- 30mins from a set time) creates a rhythm for your body.  Only use your bed for sleep or romance. Don’t keep a television in your bedroom or use your mobile device before bed - studies show that artificial light from screens dramatically suppresses sleep-hormone production.

Here’s an easy way to fall asleep more efficiently.  Create an “Evening Routine” that you will build into a habit or ritual. Turn off all devices 2 hours before going to bed (phone in flight mode or at least on silent).  Suitable activities to fill your evening routine may include reading (fiction books have been shown to beneficially affect sleep), a daily reflection and journaling practice, and a meditation session.

Broken Sleep? Those moments when you find yourself awake and alert in the middle of the night or early morning can be seriously frustrating! This routine will help as your body adjusts to a regular pattern. One surprisingly effective trick, is to not have a clock visible at all (do not check your phone for the time).  If you find yourself awake before your alarm, simply start counting your breaths on the exhale, up to 10, then repeat. You will soon be back to sleep and this becomes more effective with practice. The key is not to start the mind on its wandering journey of conscious thinking - this can keep us awake tossing and turning until the alarm goes off.  


The studies are conclusive. Meditation relieves stress, calms a busy mind and promotes peace within. It can be as simple as a 2 minute session twice a day. Start by sitting quietly and focussing all your attention on your breathing until a 2 minute timer goes off. Catch yourself as soon as you find the mind wandering, and bring your attention back to the breath. The more difficult you find this, the more you need to persevere!  I personally favour 10-15min sessions twice a day, on waking and before bed.

Meditation is one of the most important yet underutilised tools available to reduce stress, support health and healing, and promote inner peace and creativity. There are countless techniques, do some research and find what appeals to you.

Monday, 22 January 2018


There are many things out there that threaten and erode our health and quality of life.  These include processed food, sugar, excessive sitting and lack of exercise, and long term use of medications.  But the one thing that is at the root of all disease and dysfunction of the body, is Mental-Emotional Stress -which is epidemic in the ever increasing pace of life we live in today.

Here are 3 tips that will help reduce stress in your life.

1. NEVER RUSH.  Rushing can be a big source of stress. Always allow yourself more time than you think you need to get to your destination or complete a task.  Don’t plan back to back appointments. You simply cannot rush and be peaceful at the same time. This also applies when eating.

2. STAY PRESENT. Don’t allow your mind to take you away from what you are doing in any given moment.  FOCUS on what you are doing, and do not even attempt to multi-task.  Multitasking actually causes stress and reduces efficiency at the same time!

3. BE RUTHLESS TO THE THINGS THAT DO NOT MATTER.  We get stressed if we feel we have too much on our plate.  If you sit down and really assess the things that you give your time to, you will find that a lot of them really aren’t necessary, and don’t add anything to the quality of your life. For example; watching TV, browsing social media/youtube/surfing the net without a purpose, reading or watching the news (“but I need to know what’s going on in the world” – No. You really don’t).  If a fraction of the time spent on these things were dedicated to conscious breathing, a meditation practice or “quality time” with friends or family, it would change your life.