Tuesday, 23 May 2017


We are all here for a reason. We each have our purpose - I’m not talking about our job description.  On a deeper level we are here to fulfil our Life Purpose.  Even for those who don’t believe that is true, everybody has dreams, goals and desires. You have things you want to accomplish, work you want to do, and areas in your life that you feel driven to succeed in.
Either way, without your health you will be extremely restricted in realising your potential and moving forward in life.  

It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to take control of our health.  It is ours and ours alone to care for. Expecting a doctor or the healthcare system to restore lost health is simply a flawed perspective. This is because health comes from within. You cannot add it to the body from an outside source.

When we take responsibility for our health, get well informed and take right action, we are then in a position to see our health soar, and with it our happiness and quality of life. Not only will we benefit, but our families, friends, and in fact anyone that we might come into contact with will prosper from our increased expression of life.

Start with your health. The world will be a better place if you are happy and healthy!

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


The strongest force in human psychology is the need to remain congruent with how you identify yourself.

You will act in accordance to how you view yourself right NOW.  

If you view yourself as lazy or a procrastinator, then that’s what you will be. If you view yourself as productive and focused, then that is how you will act and what you will become.

Take some time to reflect on what labels you have attached to yourself - most likely unconsciously. Identify clearly those labels you need to throw away. Determine what labels should be attached. 

You can instantly change your labels! Get rid of what you don’t like, those that don’t serve you, and replace them with labels that you want and need - that will keep you moving forward.  

AFFIRM THEM DAILY! I embrace change. I am action oriented. I have a winning attitude. I let go of what's outside of my control.

You will never deviate from your internal mapping, therefore, you must change the mapping that does not serve you.